
SST:IMI Update

We apologize for the delay in getting recent information out to you on the SST:IMI front. We ran into a development snag that slowed down progress but have successfully resolved it and we are pushing to get everything wrapped up for our version update release as soon as possible.

On a more recent note there have been developments brewing some time now on a new project we can't quite talk about just yet. But know that we plan to use everything we've learned from our last release to help guide us into the next big adventure. We hope you will tag along for the ride, it's going to be a "bumpy" one! :)


Starship Troopers: Invasion “Mobile Infantry” gets an update...soon.

Hello everyone, just letting you in on the fact that we are gearing up for a brand new update to Starship Troopers: Invasion “Mobile Infantry” which will include an all new bonus level add on. We don't want to give too much away but you can check out a sneak peek of what's to come on our InstagramFacebook or Twitter if you feel so inclined.

We look very much forward to an exciting new addition to the game and we hope everyone will download the new update as soon as we announce.

Thank you again for your continued support and forever staying true to the motto "Everyone Fights, No One Quits!"


Please give us your feedback! We also threw in some game tips.

We were working on a crazy deadline to bring you this game , and we aren't saying we or anyone else ever put out a perfect game but rather we may need some help from you the audience. We are hoping that this week after everyone has had a chance to really play it that we can capitalize on your early feedback to address aspects of the game that people feel they disliked or had problems with. With this we can hope our updates can be influenced by your thoughts so that you, the player, can feel more responsible for helping to make the type of game YOU WANT.


So give us some real feedback, would you? You can send your feedback and comments to our game's Facebook page or shout at us on the game's Twitter page.

Or if you prefer to keep your suggestions private you can send your comments to our contact page.


We are planning on putting out an update as soon as we can, and this means we need the “right” feedback. Stuff like "Man Starship Troopers sucked so this game has to suck 2 LoL" or "I wish this was a first person shooter with unicorns in it" doesn't really help us. In fact it actually forces us to make the following face:



What we need is real, substantive feedback from you. “Not enough powerups during gameplay”, “I feel over-matched during shoot-outs”, “I wish the running was faster or slower”, etc.


THAT is the helpful stuff.


We set out to create a game that appeals to different audiences, which is why we chose to blend some popular mechanics like runners and cover shooters. We feel we hit the nail on the head pretty hard and came up with a challenging and intense blast 'em up, but we want to drive that sucker into the ground with some more time and improvements based on your thoughts. We're all ears at or


So keep the feedback rolling in, be it good or bad, and we promise to do everything in our power to make this game be the best that it can be. We hope that one day in the future you can look back and scoff at your grandkids and say “Pfft, virtual reality bug hunts? I was blasting 'em on Fort Casey back when we used screens and thumbs, junior!”


Anyway, we have gotten some pretty good questions and some pretty good critiques from a few of you that we would like to address, and we also wanted to offer up some game tips here. With that said...


Re: Difficulty

 The game's definitely not super-easy. Part of that was intentional; we wanted to offer more of a challenge to those who may be uninspired by the easy shoot em ups available. Plan to have your backside handed to you a lot until you figure out a few things about upgrades, dodging, timing, firing patterns. You can also make it a point to switch the difficulty levels as well.


Here's some quick tips to get you on the bounce:

1. Buy the rifle upgrade first; it takes 1000 units (2-3 plays to earn). Then grab health.

2. Find out how many rounds it takes to kill a bug at your weapon's current strength; reload the instant you drop below that amount.

3. Get your dodge timing game together. Once you see a bug rear back and roll over to the next obstacle they're wide open.

4. Spread out your fire on the bugs. Don't just point at one and “go.” Fire at one, then another, then a third. This helps because it slows them down, giving you time to reload (see #2).


Re: Upgrades

Focus on getting as many credits as you can when you're running around; they'll totally help you when it's time to go upgrade shopping. The bugs are mean and unrelenting suckers, so try to up your offensive strength first (guns, reloading speed, ally firepower) and then go in for health and armor upgrades. Again it's just something where you've got to spend a few minutes on the game here and there.


Anyway, that's all we have for now, but if you have more questions feel free to get at us via twitter (@SSTgame) or Facebook ( We are always happy to talk with you and hear your thoughts and opinions. We always appreciate them.





Starship Troopers: Invasion “Mobile Infantry” Enters Testing and Review Phase 

Spectre Media is proud to announce that it has entered the testing and review phase of the first mobile game ever for the legendary Starship Troopers franchise. After this phase we will be ready to submit Starship Troopers: Invasion “Mobile Infantry” to the Apple store, where the game will be available for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).

"We are striving to make a game that's fun and accessible to a wide audience but also keep the die hard Starship Troopers fans satisfied," producer Lance Martin stated. "This takes finesse and time to get just right."


The build-up to the game, which has included high-profile appearances at E3 in Los Angeles as well as at the legendary San Diego Comic Con, has stoked an already-devoted and informed fanbase and resulted in press coverage from a bevy of outfits and organizations. Spectre is truly excited to bring fans a game that is fun, dynamic, and action-oriented, and we welcome any inquiries you may have about the game via the social outlets listed below.


You can read more about the game at and get up-to-the-minute updates via our Twitter account @SSTGame. You can also visit our Facebook page at for more updates and exclusive media files.


- End Transmission.



It's been a big month for us here at Spectre! E3 was great, and then we turned right back around and made a splash at San Diego Comic Con. There's a lot of things happening right now, and we thought we should share what we've been doing recently.


We are currently finishing the development of the Starship Troopers: Invasion "Mobile Infantry" game for iOS devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch). You can follow our Twitter account for the game here, and check out the website for it The game just passed 1,000 likes on its Facebook page, and the video trailer has surpassed 1,400 views on youtube.

Check it out below.

We have been quite busy promoting SST: IMI via social media, and our recently-launched Facebook advertising campaign has reached over 325,000 users so far. Our promotional events have been featured on websites and television networks such as E!and G4, and were also featured in an interview on The Anime Network, which receives around 1.5 million views a month in addition to 125,000 unique monthly impressions.

We have been tagging pictures with our brand ambassador models via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, and several of these featured famous actors which led to greater exposure via social media. Additionally, Spectre has been doing cross-promotional work with Sony Consumer Products via their Facebook page to extend our reach to their 165,000 fans as well.

The game itself will be released via the Apple App Store, which currently reaches over 400 Million registered users. As Tim Cook put it in his speech at the WWDC, "it's the largest number of accounts with credit cards anywhere on the internet at the moment." Users have downloaded over 30 Billion apps thus far. The game will be available in over 155 countries across the globe.

Please stay tuned for more news and updates in the near future. And thanks again for your support!